Title Source 360
Title Source 360 is a dynamic, state-of-the-art ordering system by Baker & Taylor where you can find all the physical and digital books, plus entertainment titles, for your library.
Baker & Taylor helps its library partners efficiently and strategically build and manage collections to best serve the ever-changing needs of their patrons.
Whether it’s selecting or ordering titles or figuring out what gaps to fill, we can help you create a collection that enriches the lives of your patrons.
From advance title publication notifications to easy ordering, or having access to market-leading title metadata and automatic delivery of collection must-haves, our solutions will help you build and manage a collection that supports the needs of all your stakeholders.
Explore how we can help.
Title Source 360
Title Source 360 is a dynamic, state-of-the-art ordering system by Baker & Taylor where you can find all the physical and digital books, plus entertainment titles, for your library.
Collection Development Services
With Baker & Taylor, you have the largest selection of content available to libraries and market-leading title metadata and collection development programs at your fingertips, every day, for every content type.