A Community-Powered Learning Marketplace

Do you have costly learning resources that are underutilized? Bendable is a user-friendly platform for library patrons to discover and access the courses they want and need to upskill for work and thrive outside of work.  It organizes and amplifies the learning resources that a library has—all in one place—without getting buried on a website or in a database which boosted content usage 500% in a pilot study!

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What does Bendable do?

At many libraries, learning resources can be very hard to find. They tend to be buried in an A-Z list of databases. To find a specific course, you likely have to click into each provider, one by one. This is very frustrating and frustrating. Bendable Discovery solves this problem for your patrons.

Bendable Discovery

By putting a library's learning resources in a single, beautifully designed platform, users can easily search across multiple providers at ones and find the specific learning opportunity they need.

Your learning catalog will consist of any providers you already use and are among the 15+ on our partner list (including Brainfuse, Cell-Ed, Coursera, LearningExpress, LinkedIn Learning and Skillshare).


Bendable Screen Shot-Personal Well-Being
Bendable Screenshot-Job Readiness

Increase Utilization of Tools You Already Pay For

At St. Joe County Public Library in South Bend, Indiana, Bendable helped to increase the usage of their Brainfuse software by nearly double. 

Find Exactly the Course They Need

Bendable Discovery will allow the patron to easily see the learning format, how long the course takes and what to expect. This allows users to find exactly what they need, quickly. 

Increase the utilization of your learning software with Bendable Today. Fill out the form below for a free demo!